Born: December 9, 1970 in Helsinki.
Occupation: No job, I am a loser and social bum I also eat anti-depression pills.
Member of Mänttä Pentecostal Church.
I have a few friends; they belong to a state-Lutheran
Church, but really born-again Christians anyway.
Previous years I have visited in a few European countries,
but I am a non-productive person and in this kind of situation wasting
money for travelling is like stealing money from God.
My father owns a summer-cottage with a little of
field and forest. There are also four kitchen gardens. I usually spend
there a few months a year.
Politics is a dirty game. However I voted Esko Aho
for President in the last elections.
I think that David Wilkerson is the only one to who
I can trust. I have read many of his books.
Finland is morally not as low as The United States
but we are not much higher either.
I am a criminal because I say this: WE ARE ALL SINNERS.
If you want to be saved you must turn to God and
ask forgiveness. You must also change your way of life.
If you have no faith, you can turn to God and ask
him: "If you are alive, please express yourself".
If you want to keep your faith you must spend time
with God every day by praying.
If you try to earn your place in heaven only by doing
good works, you don't go there. If you work very hard you may end up to
hell's cold side, but I don't guarantee that.
Picture of me from 1997